The Human Digestive Tract

How the digestive tract works
Please note that the small and large intestines have been drawn in mirror image but we've lost the original flash file.
  1. The food is masticated (chewed) in the mouth.

  2. Saliva containing amylase is secreted to break down starch.
  3. The food bolus travels down the oesophagus through peristalsis.
  4. The stomach adds stomach acids & and enzymes and churns the food with muscular contractions.
  5. Bile made by the liver is secreted from the gall bladder which is hidden between the folds of the liver into the top of the small intestine.

  6. The bile breaks down fats contained in the food.
  7. Pancreatic juices containing base and more enzymes also enter the small intestine.
  8. The food passes through the small intestine, where it

  9. is broken down further & nutrients are absorbed into the blood vessels which surround the intestines.
  10. Finally, the food reaches the large intestine (colon),
  11. where the remaining water is absorbed from the food.
    The waste material passes out of the body.
  12. The nutrients which have been absorbed by the blood are carried back to the liver for further processing.